Water District
Annual water bill is currently $188.00. This can be made in one payment in January or quarterly. Checks & Money Orders can be made out to Town of Diana Water District and be mailed to the PO Box 460, Harrisville, NY 13648. As of January 2025, you can now pay your water bill online. A letter will go out with the first quarter water bill with information on how to set up your account to pay on line.
Annual water bill is currently $188.00. This can be made in one payment in January or quarterly. Checks & Money Orders can be made out to Town of Diana Water District and be mailed to the PO Box 460, Harrisville, NY 13648. As of January 2025, you can now pay your water bill online. A letter will go out with the first quarter water bill with information on how to set up your account to pay on line.

town_of_diana_annual_valve_and_hydrant_report_november_2024.pdf |

tod-hhwd-summary_lead_service_inventory_10-15-24.pdf |

tod-hhwd-lsli-backup_10-15-24.pdf |

hamlet_of_harrisville_annual_drinking_water_quality_report_2023__awqr_.pdf |

deptofhealthletter2024_monitoring_requirements.pdf |

Harrisville Water District Annual Report 3/4/23.pdf |

anualwaterqualityreoprt_2022.pdf |

Diana Water Improvements 4/25/22 |